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永胜博开户(中国):The 2022 International Forum on Safety and Sustainability of Energy Critical Infrastructure (SSECI 2022)

发布日期:2022-12-21    作者:     来源:    点击:

The 2022 International Forum on Safety and Sustainability of Energy Critical Infrastructure (SSECI 2022)            

Wuhan, China

Dec. 23-24, 2022

SSECI 2022



Committee of SSECI 2022      


International  Advisory Committee

Shan-Dong Tu (Chairman, Member of Chinese Academy of  Engineering, ECUST, China)

Erik Dhalquist (Member of the Swedish Royal Academy of  Engineering, Maladoland University, Sweden)

Yun-jae Kim (Korea University,South Korea)

Ke Liu (Southern University of Science & Technology, China)

Wei Sun (University of Nottingham, UK)

Max Wang (Atrum Coal Ltd, Canada)

Rong-Gui Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)

Lai-Bin Zhang (Member of Chinese Academy of  Engineering, China University of  Petroleum(BJ), China)

Xiao-Ling Zhang (Sustainability Science,City University of Hong Kong, China)

Jin-Yang Zheng (Member of Chinese Academy of  Engineering, Zhejiang University, China)

Organizing Committee

Jiu-Yang Yu (Chairman, Professor,Wuhan Institute of Technology)

Lun Xiong (Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology)

Xu-Yong Chen (Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology)

Xu-Bing Chen (Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology)

Xiao-Tao Zheng (Professor, Wuhan Institute of Technology)


Co-Organized by

Wuhan Institute of Technology

East China University of Science and Technology

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Hubei Mechanical Engineering Society


Contact Information


Peng Liu, WIT (peng_liu@wit.edu.cn)

Cheng Gong, WIT (21080301@wit.edu.cn)


Prof. Xiaotao Zheng, WIT (xiaotaozheng@wit.edu.cn)



Program at a glance






Nov. 23


Forum Opening



Session 1

Plenary Lecture



Session 2

Panel Discussion


Nov. 24


Session 3

Student Competition



Session 4

Discussion on Discipline Construction



Closing Ceremony



Forum Program

Day 1:Detailed Program

Session 1

//ZOOM ID: 832 2036 9637 , CODE: 202889

Session Chair: Xiao-Tao Zheng (Wuhan Institute ofTechnology, China)


Opening Speech

Shan-Dong  Tu, Chairman

Member of  Chinese Academy of Engineering

East China  University of Science and Technology, China


Welcome Address

Cun-Wen  Wang, President of WIT

Wuhan  Institute of Technology


Green Methanol  & Amonia as the Energy Carrier for Carbon Neutral Energy


Ke Liu

Professor  of the Southern University of Science & Technology


How to Make a Country  Fossil Fuel Free. Plans for Sweden and Northern


Erik Dhalquist  

Member of the  Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Malardalen University, Sweden


Making Urban  Ecological Infrastructure: the Sustainability Trilemma

Xiaoling  Zhang

Professor  of City University of Hong Kong, China


Functionality and Risk Based Design and Operation of Critical  Infrastructure

Max Wang

Managing  Director and CEO of Atrum Coal Ltd, Canada


Very low cycle fatigue assessment of nuclear piping components  and

experimental validation

Yun-jae Kim

Professor of Korea University, South Korea


Miniature Specimen Test Methods for Applications in high  temperature plants

Wei Sun

Professor of University of Nottingham, UK


High Temperature Thermal Storage

Ronggui Yang

Professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Series session 2              

//ZOOM ID: 832 2036 9637 , CODE: 202889

SessionChair : Shan-Dong Tu (Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering)


Panel Discussion  on Safety and Sustainability of Energy Critical Infrastructure

Day 2: DetailedProgram

session3:Student Competitions

                         //TECENT ID: 829 555 223 , CODE: 202889

Parallel Session Chair:Hao-Feng Chen (East China University of Science and Technology)


Preparation of doped carbon-based catalysts and their  electrocatalytic

performance for oxygen reduction reaction

Li Zhang

School of  Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology


Getting insight into the resistance of CO over Co-modified  MnSm/Ti catalyst

for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 at low  temperature:

experiments and DFT studies

Tao Liu

State Key  Laboratory of Coal Combustion, School of Energy and Power Engineering,

Huazhong  University of Science and Technology



Yang Fu

Key  Laboratory of Pressure Systems and Safety, Ministry of Education, School of

Mechanical  and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology


Analysis of  sealing performance of glass fiber reinforced plastic floating ball


Yazhong Xia  

School of  Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology


Creep-Ratcheting and The Damage Behaviour Of Advanced 9-12% CR:

Testing and Prediction

Pei-Shan  Ding

School of  Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology


Hyper Singular Integral Equation Method for a Circular Crack in  the Brazed

Oint with a Circular Interface

Guangkai Zhang

School of  Materials Engineering, Shanghai University of Engineering Science


Numerical simulation of thermal management of cylindrical power  cell with

PCM and fins

Haiwen Ma

Institute  of Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Technology

Parallel  Session Chair: Ze-Wu Wang (Dalian University of Technology)

                   //TECENT  ID: 829 555 223 , CODE: 202889


A comparative study of creep rupture limit analysis for  engineering structures

under high-temperature conditions

Xiaoxiao Wang

Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University  of Strathclyde


Performance Analysis of Parabolic Trough Receiver with Inner  Tube and Fins

for Solar Cascade Heat Collection

Yunlei Wu

Institute of Thermal Science and Power Engineering, Wuhan Institute  of Technology




Bowen Zhang

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute  of Technology


Real-time Optimization of Chemical pipeline Robot based on  IP-PID control

Wenfeng Xia

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Institute  of Technology


Study of  the heat transfer deterioration of supercritical  CO2 in vertical pipes

using a hybrid RANS/LES method

Jieshuo Zhang

School of Transportation and Logistics Engineering, Wuhan  University of Technology


Study on Flow Field of PEMFC Bipolar Plate Based on Plantain  Vein Structure

Xinyu Wan

Wuhan Institute of Technology


Seriessession 4

 //TECENTID: 829 555 223 , CODE: 202889

Session Chair: Xiaotao Zheng (Wuhan Institute ofTechnology)


Discussion on Discipline Construction on Safety and  Sustainability of Critical

Energy system



Jiuyang Yu

Wuhan Institute of Technology


Tea Break


Closing Ceremony

Xiao-tao Zheng

Wuhan Institute of Technology






How to make a country  fossil fuel free. Plans for sweden and northern europe.

Erik  Dhalquist (M?lardalen University, Sweden)


Professor  Erik Dahlquist Started work at ASEA/ABB Research Sept 1975 in Nuclear power.  Technical PM for development of Cross Flow Membrane filter and ABBs Black  Liquor Gasification project. 1992-1995 Department manager at ABB Corporate  Research. 1996-2002 General Manger for the Product Responsible Unit “Advanced  Control, Diagnostics, Optimization, Process Simulation in Pulp and paper”  globally within ABB. Adjunct professor KTH. Chair professor at Malardalen  University since 2000. Have built the research profile Future Energy with  focus on process development and energy efficiency improvements including AI  technology. Dean of faculty 2004- 2007. Member of editorial board for Journal  of Applied Energy since 2007. Member of Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering  (IVA), since 2011. Chairman IVA department Electrical Engineering 2023- .  Coordinator EU Horizon 2020 project FUDIPO on learning systems for process  industries. 20+ patents and 300+ Scientific publications.



World-wide  concern of the safety of energy critical infrastructure


Shan-Dong  Tu (East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai)



Shan-Dong Tu, received his B.Eng degree  in 1982 and Ph.D degree in 1988 from Nanjing Tech University. He is a Chair  professor of Mechanical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology,  and the Adjunct Professor of WIT and Zhengzhou University, Honorary Professor  of University of Nottingham(UoN). Prior to this, he has worked in Nanjing  Tech University and East China University of Science and Technology as a  professor and vice present, and a guest scientist to Royal Institute of  Technology, Sweden. He was elected as an academician of China Academy of  Engineering in 2019.

Driven  by the safety concern of the process and energy equipment, Professor Tu has  been trying to develop knowledge in the area of high temperature structural  integrity and engineering, including creep, fatigue fracture, structural  integrity monitoring and design of high temperature equipment. He is an  author of more than 400 papers and received a number of distinguished awards,  including China National Science and Technology Progress Award, National  Technology Invention Award, China Youth Science and Technology Award, ASME  Best Paper Award and so on. He has been the honorary president of Chinese  Pressure Vessel Institution (since 2010) and the honorary president of  Chinese Materials Institution (since 2015) of China Mechanical Engineering  Society, Chairman of China Structural Integrity Consortium, and Chairman of  Asian Oceanic Regional Committee of International Council for Pressure Vessel  Technology, a member of reliability committee of IFToMM. He is also serving a  number of journals as an associate editor or editorial board member,  including Int J Pres Ves and Piping, Applied Energy, J of Materials Science  and Technology, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures  and so on.



Laibin  Zhang (Petroleum University, Beijing)


Professor  Laibin Zhang is an expert in oil and gas safety science and engineering and a  member of Chinese Academy of Engineering. Zhang graduated from East China  Petroleum Institute in 1982, majoring in oilfield machinery. In 1991, he  received Doctorate in mechanical engineering from Petroleum University  (Beijing). He is currently the vice chairman of the Key Laboratory of Oil and  Gas Production Safety and Emergency Technology, Ministry of Emergency  Management. He has been engaged in the research of oil and gas production  system and equipment safety science and engineering theory, method and  technology for a long time, and created the first safety science and  engineering discipline in petroleum universities. Innovative achievements  have been made in oil well pipe damage detection, fault detection and  diagnosis of large power units for oil and gas production, risk assessment  and early warning of oil and gas production systems, and have promoted my  country's technological progress in this field. He presided over the  completion of a number of major projects commissioned by the state,  provincial and ministerial levels, and enterprises, and won 4 second prizes  of national scientific and technological achievements, among which he won 2  second prizes of national technological invention as the first completer, and  the special prize of provincial and ministerial scientific and technological  progress 1 award and multiple first prizes, published several monographs and  textbooks, authorized more than 50 invention patents, and published more than  200 academic papers




Jinyang Zheng  (Zhejiang University, Hangzhou)


Professor Jinyang Zheng is  an expert in high pressure vessel and piping and an member of Chinese Academy  of Engineering. Zhang  graduated from Zhejiang University in 1987, majoring in chemical Engineering.  In 1992, he received Doctorate in chemical process machinery from Zhejiang  University. He has been engaged in the research of high-pressure vessels and  pipelines for a long time. Won 1 first prize and 2 second prizes of National  Science and Technology Progress Award, 6 first prizes of provincial and  ministerial science and technology awards, 2 first prizes of provincial and  ministerial teaching achievements, 2 China Excellent Patent Awards, and China  Standard Innovation Contribution Award 3 items. Facing the country's major  needs, systematic innovations have been achieved from theory, technology,  standards, testing to product development and application in hydrogen storage  high-pressure vessels, cryogenic pressure vessels, and flexible high-pressure  composite pipes. Leading the establishment of the International Hydrogen  Energy Association Specification and Standard Committee and the Engineering  Research Center of the Ministry of Education for "High Pressure Process  Equipment and Safety"; the three major series of products presided over  by the research and development have achieved industrialized mass production,  and the key technical indicators have reached new highs in the world. Applied  in energy, chemical and other fields, the social and economic benefits are  remarkable, and it has made outstanding contributions to the development of  high-voltage storage and transportation equipment in my country. He took the  lead in drafting 2 national technical specifications and 11 national  standards; published 9 Chinese and English books (including 2 monographs) as  the first author; obtained 58 authorized invention patents as the first  inventor; published SCI as the first or corresponding author 120 papers.


Making Urban  Ecological Infrastructure: the Sustainability Trilemma

Xiaoling  Zhang (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)


Professor  Zhang is Clarivate Global Top 1% Highly Cited Scholars in 2022. Global  associate editor of npi:urban sustainability (Nature partner), global  associate editor of DIBE journals, and concurrently serves on the editorial  board of several other top international journals. In recent years, with the  support of a number of national and local scientific research projects (such  as the key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China), she  has mainly devoted herself to research with lasting influence and great significance,  such as energy and environmental constraints. Sustainability and smart  cities, fossil energy conversion/system optimal model from the perspective of  climate change, regional sustainable built environment from the perspective  of carbon neutrality, she tries to enrich the theoretical system of  sustainable development science, and tries to build a modular environment- engineering-Geographic  information and remote sensing-economics-management and other  multidisciplinary comprehensive evaluation models, it is planned to use  cutting-edge technologies such as satellite remote sensing and machine  learning analysis methods, and integrate natural and environmental mechanisms  and interactive process models, geographic information system models,  economic technology Model, life cycle input-output model, forming a  sustainable development methodology system for whole-process analysis. So far,  he has published more than 200 international journal papers, with a total of  15,809 Google Scholar citations and an H-factor of 69. He has been stimulated  to give keynote speeches in important international conferences many times.  Ranked among the top 2% scientists in the field of environmental engineering  research selected by Stanford University for three consecutive years since  2020, has won the City University of Hong Kong President's Award twice, and  won the 2018 WCC Special Recognition Award (World Federation of Cultures)



Functionality  and Risk Based Design and Operation of Critical Infrastructure


Max Wang (Managing  Director and CEO of Atrum Coal Ltd, Canada)

Dr.  Max Wang professional career spans management of Engineering, safety, major projects  and companies. In his last two executive roles he was President and CEO of  Grande Cache Coal in Alberta and Managing Director and CEO of Atrum Coal Ltd  - a publically traded company in Australia with assets in Canada. Prior to  that, Max was the Director of Engineering, Major Projects, at Suncor Energy  where he was also leading the effort of revamping the safety management  systems, and Engineering Manager of Oil Sands Projects at Petro-Canada. Max  was the former Chairman of the Board for the Coal Association of Canada, and  Technical Committee Member of 21 years for 3 Canadian National Standards. He  has also been a board member of private and public energy companies in Canada  and Hong Kong.



Very  low cycle fatigue assessment of nuclear piping components and experimental  validation


Yun-jae Kim(Korea  University,South Korea)            

Professor  Yun-Jae Kim earned his PhD from Mechanical Engineering at Massachusetts  Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, in 1993. He was a Research Scientist in  GKSS Research Centre, Institute of Materials Research, Germany, from  1994-1998; an Assessment technologist in British Energy Generation Ltd, UK,  since 1998; a Research Professor in Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, from  2000-2004; a Professor in Korea University, Korea, since 2004. He is a  director of Advanced Research Center for Nuclear Excellence (ARCNEX) funded  by Korean Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning.  He has been  heavily involved in structural integrity assessment of Light Water and High Temperature  Nuclear Plant Components based on solid and fracture mechanics  analyses.  His recent interest lies in development of efficient  numerical modeling methods to simulate fatigue and fracture in large-scale  pressurized components under monotonic and cyclic loading.  He is a  member of The National Academy of Engineering of Korea since 2016.  He  is also a member of Editorial Board in International Journal of Fatigue,  Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Nuclear Engineering & Technology,  International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping.




Miniature  Specimen Test Methods for Applications in high temperature plants


Wei Sun  (University of Nottingham, UK)

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Wei  Sun is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Nottingham who retired in  August 2020. Prof. Sun has been working in the areas of high temperature  material behavior and structural integrity for ~ 30 years. His research  interests cover creep, thermal-mechanical fatigue and cyclic plasticity, high  temperature miniaturized test methods etc. Research into fretting wear,  coatings behavior, welding process modelling, fracture of nuclear graphite,  has also been carried out. His most recent work includes mechanisms and  optimization design of bio-inspired metamaterials, and mechanics and  bio-mimicking of marine mussel plaques. Prof. Wei Sun has supervised 40 PhD  students, 15 post-doc fellows and 20 external visiting researchers, and is an  author of 260 journal articles, 180 conference contributions and one book  (Applied Creep Mechanics). Prof. Wei Sun was awarded Doctor of Science, DSc,  in 2012 by the University of Nottingham. He became a Charted Engineer in  1998, Fellow of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 2002, and Fellow  of The Institute of Materials in 2009. He is a member of the UK High  Temperature Material Committee and member of the European CEN Impression  Creep Test Standard Work Group.



High  Temperature Thermal Storage


Ronggui Yang  (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan)

Dr. Ronggui Yang is  currently a Professor of Energy and Power Engineering at Huazhong  University of Science and Technology in China. He was a Full Professor of  Mechanical Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder  (2006-2019). His research interests are on the fundamentals of transport  phenomena (thermal conduction, thermal radiation, thermoelectrics,  phase-change, and thermal storage) and the applications of  micro/nanotechnologies for thermal, energy, and information system. Dr.  Ronggui Yang has published > 200 journal papers, with more than 26000  citations and an H-index of 80. His innovative research has won him numerous  awards including the 2020 Nukiyama Memorial Award in Thermal Science and  Engineering, the 2017 Top 10 Physics Breakthrough by PhysicsWorld,  the 2010 ASME Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in  Heat Transfer, an NSF CAREER Award in 2009, the MIT Technology Review’s  TR35 Award in 2008.




Green  Methanol & Amonia as the Energy Carrier for Carbon Neutral Energy System


Ke Liu (the  Southern University of Science & Technology, Shenzhen)

Dr.  Ke Liu is a world-renowned energy expert and an industry leader with an MBA, currently  the Dean of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Dean of Clean Energy  Institute and chair professor of the Southern Univ. of Science &  Technology.

Dr.  Liu was elected as the only one Foreign Fellow of the Australia Technological  Sciences and Engineering (ATSE) for the year of 2015, and received a variety  of national and international awards, including “The Minorities in Research  Award” (2006 Emerald Honors Special Recognition Award), 2013 PITT Award from  International Pittsburgh Coal Conference Organization, 2021 Low Carbon Person  of the year of China, 2021 "Carbon Neutral Typical Case", and the  first prize of the 9th "Overseas Chinese Contribution National Award".  He has more than 120 invention patents in the United States and China,  published many papers in world-class journals and conferences. And his book H2  & Syngas Production & Purification Technologies was published in  2009 by Jon Wiley-one of the largest publishing house in the United States.  Dr. Ke Liu also funded the Revelation Technology Group, he was also a former  partner of the Enverra Capital LLC., which was funded by the former Supreme  Allied Commander of NATO, and 2004 Democratic Presidential Candidate General  Wesley Clark et.al, He and his partners in both US & China combines their  global leadership to promote clean and sustainable energy technologies to  reduce emissions globally. Dr. Liu was also elected as the board member of  the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in 2015, Together with his team and partners  globally, Dr. Liu works diligently on promoting the international  collaboration on Clean Energy and Environmental Protection especially in  China.

